There was no active alternate number or email ID registered against your number.

Please call 199 to block/unblock your
number or click here to visit nearest store
Hey! You can now block your SIM online. Please enter your number below and we will send an OTP to your alternate number and email ID.
We will block your incoming & outgoing service under Lost SIM. Postpaid customers will continue to be charged rentals as per current tariff plan.
Please visit nearest Vi Store to get your SIM replaced
Dear Sir/Ma'am, as your SIM has been barred because of SIM lost, to safe guard you from any financial or social fraud, please get your SIM replaced.
Dear Sir/Ma'am, post completion of SIM replacement, contact stored in handset or in SIM card will not be transferred, active VAS and recharges, main account balance, data balance or other benefits will be carry forwarded.
Dear Sir/Ma'am, your number will be barred for a maximum of 90 days. Request you to replace your SIM card before that to keep the number active